Category Patent

How to License & Monetize your Patents?

How to License & Monetize your Patents?

Authors : Nilanshu Shekhar, Akanksha Anand, Rishabh Manocha A patent gives the owner the right to benefit from his innovation. Thus, to take full advantage of the patent it is not enough to claim rights over it but also to…

Understanding the Concept of Written Description in Patent Law

Understanding the Concept of Written Description in Patent Law

Authors : Nilanshu Shekhar, Akanksha Anand, Rishabh Manocha Article 29.1 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)[1], emphasizes the disclosure of the invention clearly and completely by the applicant so that a person skilled in the…

The Role Of Patent Pools And Cross-Licensing Agreements

Patent Pools & Cross-Licensing: Boosting Innovation

Authors : Nilanshu Shekhar, Akanksha Anand, Rishabh Manocha Patent pools have a long history. One of the first patent pools was formed in 1856 for sewing machines. Nowadays, patent pools frequently represent the basis for industry standards that supply firms…