Category KAFI-Legal

Trademark and Domain Name Dispute | KAFI-Legal

Trademark and Domain Name Dispute | KAFI-Legal

KAFI-Legal Our recent KAFI-Legal session was conducted by Pranjal Gupta, Trainee Associate (Trademarks), who presented a comprehensive and insightful discussion on the topic of “Trademark and Domain Name Disputes” The presentation delved into: Importance of protecting domain names as valuable…

U.S. Patent Prosecution Process | KAFI-Legal

U.S. Patent Prosecution Process | KAFI-Legal

KAFI-Legal U.S. Patent Prosecution Process Our recent KAFI-Legal session was led by Ms. Reeta Rana, Senior Associate (Patent) who presented an insightful overview of “Understanding U.S. Patent Prosecution.” The session unpacked essential elements of the patent process, offering invaluable knowledge:…