

Other Barks & Bites for Friday, May 24: ChatGPT Pulls AI Voice That Sounded Like Scarlett Johansson; Report Finds Copyright Industry Resilient After COVID-19 Economic Dip; Google Fails to Revive Patent in Front of CAFC

Other Barks & Bites for Friday, May 24: ChatGPT Pulls AI Voice That Sounded Like Scarlett Johansson; Report Finds Copyright Industry Resilient After COVID-19 Economic Dip; Google Fails to Revive Patent in Front of CAFC

News Updates Daily Updates This week in Other Barks & Bites: the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) celebrates patent practitioners who have offered significant pro bono work; ChatGPT pulls AI voice after actor Scarlett Johansson expresses “shock” at similarity…

Patent Drafting | KAFI-Legal

Patent Drafting | KAFI-Legal

KAFI-Legal Patent Drafting We understand the importance of continuously enhancing our expertise to better serve our clients. Recently, we had the privilege of hosting a valuable session on Patent Drafting as part of the KAFI-Legal series. Our Patent Attorney, Anjali…